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Server Version

6 posters

Server Version

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1Server Version Empty Server Version Tue Feb 05, 2013 5:55 pm



Which Version Would You Like This Server To Be?
The Version Can Either Be 111,117,or 127.


2Server Version Empty Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:48 pm


Is the v127 really buggy? I prefer the most stable one Razz.

3Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:37 pm



RoyalRyan wrote:Is the v127 really buggy? I prefer the most stable one Razz.
It'll Be Sort Of Buggy.


4Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:58 pm


Xenon wrote:
RoyalRyan wrote:Is the v127 really buggy? I prefer the most stable one Razz.
It'll Be Sort Of Buggy.

Is the v117 the same as v127 in buggy terms? Sorry for all the questions lol.

5Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:27 pm



RoyalRyan wrote:
Xenon wrote:
RoyalRyan wrote:Is the v127 really buggy? I prefer the most stable one Razz.
It'll Be Sort Of Buggy.

Is the v117 the same as v127 in buggy terms? Sorry for all the questions lol.

117 is less buggy than 127.


6Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:17 am


v117 is too mainstream make a v127 one

7Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:05 pm

Dual Blade

Dual Blade

abao wrote:v117 is too mainstream make a v127 one
i'm with this guy, you see to many v117 and almost none v127 Very Happy

8Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:42 am


V117 is way too common right now. In every cornor it's like ooh 117 ooh 111 ooh 117. V117 is for the people who don't want to work REALLY hard because it's "easyer" to code...V127 has at least some advantage in this. V127 is like a rare pokemon in pokemon. Make a v127 and you will see people rolling in like money to a bank! or people running to money that falls from the sky Smile
Anyways my oppinion v127 and I think v127 already won...
Ps. Why did RebornOnline turn into XenonStory.?

9Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:53 pm


lol you couldnt update even if you wanted too.

shitty server is shit.

10Server Version Empty Re: Server Version Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:31 am

Dual Blade

Dual Blade

lolshittyserver wrote:lol you couldnt update even if you wanted too.

shitty server is shit.
if you dont like the server then leave atleast dont talk shit about what other people like douche!

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